Verify information

Our easy and fast form will collect the data our partners need.

Tell us what you need

Let us know what you are looking for so we can connect you to the right program.

Compare offers

We will do our best to find you multiple offers.

Receive funds

If you are happy with the rates and terms, you can approve them.

Finding your loan can be fast & easy!

Most of the time, our process only takes a few minutes to submit your information. Our forms are dynamic and will change based on the products you are looking for and how you answer the questions. We do not want to waste your time asking questions that are irrelevant to your needs. We want to get your offers as quickly and safely as possible!

Ready to find the personal loan for you? Let's get started!

We Help People Looking For

Personal Loans

We have loans and other products that are a fit for a broad range of credit.

Good Credit Loans

If you have good credit, you may be connected with a lender that has a loan offer that can work for you.

Don’t know your credit?

We have simple ways for you to find out.

LoanBoo believes in finding the right offers for our customers.

If we are able to connect you with a loan, your repayment options will vary by lender. Repayment options may include ACH, remotely created checks and paper check options. For single payments, debit cards may also accepted.

Calculate your prospective monthly payment

Monthly payment is $166.

Total interest is $979. Total payment is $5979.